English translation for "drop-dead gorgeous"
- 倾国倾城
Related Translations:
drop: n.1.滴;液滴,水滴。2.〔pl.〕 【药学】滴剂;滴眼药。3.微量,点滴;一口[杯]酒。4.滴状物;耳坠;水果糖。5.急降,降落;(物价)下跌,(生产)减低;败落,没落;落下距离,高低平面间的相差距离;(地面的)陷落深度;陡坡;【水利;水文】落差;【军事】弹道降落距离。6.(绞刑台的)踏板;(绞刑犯的)吊起高度。7.(邮箱的)投信口;门上的锁孔盖;【建筑】吊饰;【机械工 dropping: n.1.滴下;落下,降下;【军事】空降,空投,伞降。2.点滴;〔pl.〕 滴下物;落下物。3.〔pl.〕 (鸟等的)粪;【纺织;印染】落棉,落毛。短语和例子animal droppings 畜粪。 drops: 沉积岩侵入漏斗状体滴剂滴丸剂型冷珠水滴状铁豆土波利
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | The most drop - dead gorgeous woman you ' ii ever see 那可是你所能见过的最酷最致命的女人 | | 2. | You want someone who is drop - dead gorgeous . you need someone who accepts you at your worst 你想要那个人是绝代佳人。你需要那个人在你最困难的时候接纳你。 | | 3. | He not only comes from a well - to - do family but is also drop - dead gorgeous and extremely talented to boot 他不仅仅出生在一个富裕的家庭并且长得非常帅,在音乐方面极其有天赋。 | | 4. | If there are many drop - dead gorgeous girls walking in the street , i wonder whether there are many men dizzy lying around the street 如果满大街都是超级大美女在走着,我怀疑是不是有很多晕倒的男人满大街躺着 | | 5. | She goes to the fourth floor and sign reads : floor 4 - these men have jobs , love kids , are drop - dead gorgeous and help with the housework 这个女的走到了第四层,门上写着:四层,这里的男人有工作,爱孩子,甩到极点了,而且还喜欢做家务。 | | 6. | The first , i think she is beautiful . the secend , i think she is pretty . the third , i think she is gorgeous . the fourth , i think she is drop - dead gorgeous 第一次看见她,我觉得她漂亮。第二次看到她,我觉得她很漂亮。第三次看到她,我觉得她非常漂亮。第四次看到她的时候,我就觉得她靓的很。 | | 7. | The weather is drop - dead gorgeous outside , the sun is shining , and the cubbies are in the national league championship series playoffs hoping to make it to the world series for the first time in 58 years 外面天气明媚,阳光灿烂, cubs队正在进行国家联盟冠军赛的季后赛,他们希望能在58年中首次晋级总决赛。 | | 8. | Still , she goes to the fifth floor and sign reads : floor 5 - these men have jobs , love kids , are drop - dead gorgeous , help with the housework , and have a strong romantic streak 但是她还是没有留下来,继续向上走,第五层的门上写着:五层,这里的男人有工作,爱孩子,甩到极点,喜欢做家务,而且经常会做很多浪漫的事情。 |
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